To heart 2
To heart 2

to heart 2
  1. To heart 2 series#
  2. To heart 2 psp#

For starters, Tamaki dons an outfit with something close to an Absolute Cleavage while Yocchi sports a Chainmail Bikini.

to heart 2

  • Genre Shift - To Heart 2: Dungeon Travellers.
  • to heart 2

    In fact, the robot maids even get in on it, and more surprisingly, Konomi's mother, Haruka gets in on it as well. Gets especially hilarious in Tamaki's case, as he ends up using a much more distant "Tamaki-sama". Some (particularly Ruuko, Yuma and Konomi) don't quite realise they were already on a first-name basis with him. Takaaki's Harem gets wind of the news that both him and Manaka are apparently on a first-name basis (thanks to Yuuji, who was acting out a hilarious sketch), and they all chase him around to get him to use their first names (in some cases, it's dropping any honorifics entirely). First-Name Basis - Played with in the first episode of the adnext OVA series.Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep" - With the exception of Takaaki, everyone in his class calls Manaka " Iinchou.".Konomi Yuzuhara appeared in the sixth Omake of To Heart: Remember my Memories as Akari Kamigishi's opponent.That episode aired three days before the Visual Novel was released.What Sango gave to Nagase was the OS for Ilfa, HMX-17, which proves just how much of a Teen Genius she is.

    To heart 2 series#

    This is amazing in that at the time, the latest model of the HMX series was Serio, HMX-13.It is assumed that the disk that Sango gave to Nagase was a copy of Ilfa's OS. Early-Bird Cameo - The Himeyuri twins appeared in To Heart: Remember my Memories in a speaking cameo role.Marianne settles with "Tama-chan" much to Tamaki's annoyance. In the game (Sasara's path), Marianne tried to pick out a cute nickname for Tamaki, such as "Tama-Tama".Do Not Call Me "Paul" - In the epilogue to the second Another Days OVA, Karin calls Yuma "Yuma-chin." Yuma is not amused, given that Karin was prying about the the events of the previous night.Deadpan Snarker - Charu, especially in Another Days.Up until she admits otherwise, she sees him is her sworn rival.

    to heart 2

  • Crash-Into Hello - Yuma, into Takaaki, on her bike at the beginning of episode 4.
  • Cool Big Sis - Tamaki to both Konomi and Takaaki.
  • Continuity Nod - Marianne, Sasara's close friend, is from the same year as Aoi Matsubara and Kotone Himekawa from the original To Heart.
  • Childhood Friend Romance - Konomi's developing feelings for Takaaki in the last two episodes.
  • Cherry Blossoms - It's even in the opening theme of the show!.
  • To heart 2 psp#

    Bowdlerise - The PSP port of the game has a ridiculous instance of this.Sango and Ruri could be seen this way to a degree as well.Boke and Tsukkomi Routine - Yocchi and Charu seemingly have this kind of relationship in Another Days.Bleached Underpants - Inverted, the adult version of the game was released one year after the original, clean version.Blackmail - How Karin "convinced" Takaaki to become the Mystery Club's second member.Big Friendly Dog - Konomi's Old English Sheepdog Genjimaru.Beach Episode - The second episode of the OVA.Ascended Extra / Demoted to Extra: With the exception of Konomi and Tamaki in their special route, the Another Days game sequel swaps the roles of the winnable characters and the supporting cast.Art Shift - Of a subtle variety: Takaaki's hair color changed from dark green back to his original brown, and Manaka's dark brown hair became light brown.Arranged Marriage - In Charu's route in Another Days, Takaaki rescues her from such by declaring himself to be her fiancee.Using this, the chronological order of events can be deduced. However, before most events in each of the episodes, there is a cutscene to a blackboard which shows the current date.Anachronic Order - The episodes are presented in a thematic way, so the events in the episodes are often out of chronological order.Alternate Universe - Yuuki Kusakabe's time traveling hijinks is this.A Day in the Limelight - Each episode is centered around the girl of the day.

    To heart 2